PAL's Dollhouse Buy Handcrafted Dolls

A client’s side hussle/website I built with Wordpress/WooCommerce and provide ongoing support as needed.

English/Thai Dictionary Crawler A webcrawler created with Node and Puppeteer

A one-off crawler used to download the 26.6k words used in the English/Thai dictionary app.

Thai-Tokenizer A Bi-Directional RNN to break thai sentences into words

The hardest part about reading thai sentences is the lack of spaces between words. This tokenizer will break thai sentences down into individual words for easier lookup.

ML Exploration Notebooks Exploring Machine Learning Techniques

Experimentation with Deep/Machine Learning using Python and Julia.

FreeCodeCamp Front End Projects
FreeCodeCamp Front End Projects Projects Completed for the FreeCodeCamp Front End Curriculum
D3 Charts
D3 Charts D3 Charts completed for the FreeCodeCamp Data Visualisation Projects
Free Code Camp Microservice Projects Express Microservices made for the FCC Back End Projects
Unity Explorations in Game Development Prototyping

Unity is a widely used game engine for building games with C#. The (very basic) prototypes I made include: